Delegate! Who to? No-one else can do it as well … Can they?

Many years ago, I foolishly believed that only I knew everything and could do the task effectively whereas others who reported to me weren’t up to it or to the same standard. Surprising, the company grew once I started to delegate, trust those around me and act like the director that I’d been employed to be. Does this possibly ring true to you or do you recognise the traits?

Often we feel like we should be seen to be working with massive workloads, however, efficiency is all about insuring the operation runs smoothly. If you don’t delegate tasks that others can do, it builds distrust, feeling of reduced worth and despondency.

Here are 5 simple steps to help you along this path of delegation:

  1. WEAKNESS – It is not a sign of weakness to delegate. Know your people and show trust. Maybe there’s feeling of shame, guilt or wanting your own badge of honour showing what a martyr you are. Be truthful with yourself as to the reason why you don’t delegate, it IS NOT a weakness to delegate but shows signs of trust and responsibility… ok, stick by your thoughts there’s no one responsible enough to hand it to! Been there, seen it, even got the badge and then proved totally wrong.
  2. DUMP THE EGO! – No, you’re not the only person in the whole world that can do that job. Ok, it may not be done to the standard YOU BELIEVE to be correct but we’re all different and with guidance and training, someone else can do specific roles and possibly even have the ability to do it faster or even better than you – there’s a thought!
  3. BE OBJECTIVE NOT PROCEDURAL – Two forms of management, Micro and hands off, both equally incorrect! Delegate the task with the desired outcome you’re looking to achieve. Demonstrate how to do this and be approachable. Indicate that they can do it as they wish but the outcome with the objective being what is at stake. Set SMART goals. Allow sufficient time for them to be innovative in what they are doing or learn their own way.
  4. PATIENCE – … “my backside, I’m gonna kill someone!” They’re not likely to get it right first time without making errors? This is the learning curve. Don’t assume it will be carried out perfectly first time round as if they already have a track record of success, this isn’t their fault it’s yours for assuming too much without giving the FULL guidance and support needed in the first instance.
  5. RECOGNITION – When everything goes well, bestow credit where it’s due. Superiors will see how well you manage your team/staff, your delegate will see their worth in not only your eyes but the firm/company’s too. Notoriety is a reward in its own right. Say Thank You and truly show your gratitude, this feeling of appreciation will certainly do you well when the next task comes along.

Coaching to Success wok with Directors and Managers to help understand how to let tasks go enabling concentration on what they should be doing. If this is an area you feel you or members of your team would benefit from, take that first step by speaking with Neil (07761 187238) or throw him an email at… We’re affiliated to the Growth Accelerator scheme and are here to help.