
Companies use Coaching to Success not only to recover from poor situations within their organisations, but to move beyond simply satisfactory circumstances to exceptional ones. We achieve this by harmonising the company’s expectations with the individuals’ goals resulting in job satisfaction, and feelings of worth and accomplishment.

Throughout our life, from childhood through to the workplace, there is a powerful emphasis on academic certifications and formal qualifications to prove we have the technical abilities for our chosen profession. What is frequently missing is the Personal Development that empowers professionals to reach their full potential.

Olympic athletes do not hire coaches because they are bad athletes. They hire coaches to push them further than they can reach on their own, to be the best they can be! Business people are skilled ‘athletes’ in their own right. Similarly business coaches are there to help clients achieve their ‘Gold Medal’ too.

The International Personal Management Association shows that following training, an employee’s productivity increases by just over 22%, whereas training combined with coaching produces an increase in productivity of 88%. Coaching motivates, inspires and builds confidence, and raises self-esteem, creating a happier and more productive workforce, which ultimately results in higher profits for the organisation.

Coaching to Success coaches and supports business professionals, at all stages in their career, resulting in improved proficiency, clarity of vision, and confidence to succeed. It produces motivated experts reaching their objectives more efficiently and quickly than if left to their own devices.

A business coach works to build a meaningful rapport with the client, and to develop a partnership based on mutual appreciation and respect. This foundation of trust allows individuals to express their fears, inhibitions, and questions. Only then can a coach understand, analyse and explore possible solutions to a client’s problems.

Coaching to Success thrives on getting you, your business or firm/chamber or your team players to succeed, and welcomes the opportunity to discuss what we can do for you.

Contact us to book a FREE introductory meeting and call 07761 187238.

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