“Ready, Steady, G… Hang on, before I do, maybe if…”

How many times have I historically set about doing something then haven’t due to those voices in my head telling me otherwise (these are different from those other voices in horror films … but then again!), well, it’s a rhetorical question but how many times have you considered

  • Changing your job/career
  • Writing that report you know will be a massive task … but I’ll just clear my desk first
  • Needing immediate gratification” – Procrastination loves this as it gives you an excuse to do something more interesting.
  • “I could do with some help on this”. You end up waiting until somebody else takes over. Some do this their whole lives.
  • Wait on something else – “I can’t complete this report until John gives me the figures” (Guilty! Rather than go get them, I’ve used this excuse)
  • Be passive, wait for fate or circumstance to rescue you from having to act.


Then there’s the factors that cause us to cease moving forward:

  • “I don’t have anyone to go to for advice, support or encouragement.”
  • “I didn’t know I was supposed to do that.” (Ignorance)
  • “What if I fail?”, then again, “What if I succeed?”
  • “No one really cares whether I do this or not.” (Apathy)
  • “It’s too risky. In this economy I can’t take the chance to…”
  • “This other opportunity will never come again, I can’t pass it up.” (Delay tactic)
  • “I’m too old. I wish I had thought about this 20 years ago.”
  • “I don’t know how to do it.” (Skill Deficiency)
  • “I just can’t seem to get started (Inertia)

This is a definite mix of both areas where confidence is lacking and procrastination, which comes in many guises, and is the mother of all temptresses to take us away from the tasks we really do need to do.

So how do we beat these? Consider these to give some focus:

  • Learn what you’re good at – Recognise your skill-set and build confidence through competence. Ask work colleagues what they see as your strengths.
  • Play ‘Follow the leader’ – Look at those who have gone before you, gain confidence from what they have achieved
  • Evidence! – One of my favourites. Work from hard facts of what you have achieved as opposed to what you think will happen. Positive affirmations every time.
  • “What exactly am I supposed to do?” – Gain clarity
  • “Why have I been given this?” – Establish the facts
  • “How does this fit into the big picture?” – Relevance of ideas
  • “How it will be measured” – Give it worth and value for the time put in
  • “How will my efforts affect the work of others?” – Responsibility.

If you or members of your team wish to move forward, we’re here to help. Simply call to arrange your free consultation and see how you can help make those changes! Neil looks forward to hearing from you either by calling 07761 187238 or email neil@coachingtosuccess.co.uk. We’re affiliated to the Growth Accelerator scheme, so some businesses can obtain government funding too!