How can we make decision easier?

Some decisions are easily made, others have many connotations due to complexity of people involved, too many options or the need but not necessarily the ‘want’ when it comes to having to make a decision.

Decision making is primarily based around problem solving so now you are considering two elements. If you look at your daily routine, you’ll find you are constantly making, just not really acknowledging it as it becomes routine.

However, once we drift from familiarity, we encounter uncertainty where the decision you make may have a major impact on life, business or other people.

I believe we’re all capable of making decisions once we develop complete confidence in our abilities. So, to help that process, consider the following ‘5 point implementation plan’ next time you have that unfamiliar but all important decision to make.

Positive Environment

Look to what the benefits will be as a result of making that decision. Where there are others involved in the process, encourage the positive features and also their contribution.

Get the facts first

All too often I see people trying to make decisions simply based on apparently saving money (upfront costs at least).

Gain all the facts first. For example, if choosing between suppliers, compare hidden charges, perhaps an annual rebate structure or how reliable are they? I once lost a 500m2 order for plasterboard to a rival company because they were 1p/m2 cheaper. I later discovered they had turned up 3hrs later with 6 guys on site waiting! That was a payment of 18hrs skilled labour for a saving of £5! You do the maths.

Check out the options

Insure you have looked at all the alternatives whether it be a product, a service or a process. Explore what alternatives there are by using those around you.

From here consider implications of each along with risks and practicality … insure the solution matches the objective and funds can match both.

Select the best

If the answer is still vague with each option having its benefits, create a ‘decision matrix’. A simple tool that removes the emotional attachment of decision making. Draw a matrix with options going from top to bottom down the right side. Along the top from left to right, the criteria required to be met. Along each option, give a rating from 0 to 10 under each criteria and on the far right, total up.

Whichever scores the highest will prove to be the best overall option.

Once done … walk away and do nothing! Return a day later to re-examine or, if an urgent decision is required, still walk away for a short while and return with fresh eyes to re-evaluate what has been decided.

Announce and proceed

Put on your inspirational hat and go out there to inform all those who will be affected by this new decision.

If there is a team of people involved, encourage them to participate, giving them elements to control and be responsible for. Insure they know how important they are to the overall success of this decision, give them ownership.

Coaching to Success’ director, Neil Nutburn, welcomes your enquiries if you are considering change but unsure the best way of moving yourself or your business forward. Darwin wrote “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change”. So for those who endorse the evolution of moving forward by making decisions, contact Neil on 07761 187238 or email

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