Probably most of you know this as ‘The Elevator Speech’ simply due to the lack of time you have to get your message across. It’s rarely used in such a situation but more at functions and soirees, it’s a time indicator and the limited time between floors to make an instant impression is a good comparison. Here are a few tips…
You need to be succinct in your reply when someone enquires as to what you do, a 20-30 second intro is what you have and you really need to make the most of it! So it needs to be…
- Interesting
- Succinct and
- Memorable
… As well as putting a ‘unique’ edge on it so you stand out from others within your industry. It’s also useful to have two or three prepared and slotted into your memory so you can call upon the most appropriate one according to your situation. So how do you create one? Consider these areas…
- PURPOSE – What are you looking to accomplish by offering your pitch.
- SOLUTION – Explain what you do and the Benefits that you/your organisation can offer (ie “We help people’s confidence by giving them the perfect smile” from a Dentist for example). Give a solution but leave the question ‘How’.
- USP (Unique Selling Proposition/Point) – What makes you different from every other company in your business sector?
- QUESTION – Follow this on by asking a question of them relating to an answer that will connect with your business.
- MOULD TOGETHER – Put it all together in one succinct delivery and practice out loud, how long was it? Remember 20-30 seconds is what you’re aiming for, it’s amazing how we can go well over that when we’re not prepared! Take out the waffle, technical or informative bits aren’t of any interest until later.
As an example, let’s take a company who has a logistics business with software that calculates the best options for a fleet of vehicles… “My company reduces fuel consumption and driver overhead costs. By means of plotting out the most economic route for deliveries based on time and location. Our client’s managers can then concentrate on other ways to run their operation more smoothly while saving in excess of 20% off the bottom line. How does your organisation plot delivery routes”
This is not as simple as it sounds but if done correctly, can create interesting leads or links that you may have otherwise missed out on simply because you’ve lost the interest of the listener. If this stimulates a response where you feel you could still do with some additional support in this field or any other area we help you move forward on, Coaching to Success are here, just call Neil (07761 187238) to arrange a free consultation on how we can help.
Finally, what are your views on these blogs? Write a comment below and let us know, we always appreciate feedback on what we offer. Many thanks.