Search Results for: leadership

How do you define a good leader? 15 areas to assess and 5 to adopt…

Are leaders born or created? As a leader yourself or someone who looks to others in the team to lead, can you recognise the skillset? Continue reading to find out some of the traits that make for a great leader and a few tips on how to make improvements for the outcome you desire…

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Service Charges

1-to-1 sessions (60-90min) £150.00 6 Session package1 £765.00 (15% discount) (if fortnightly, £255.00pcm for 3 month or £127.50pcm for 6 month if monthly. Payment in advance of session(s)) Monthly retainer for larger organisations2 £1000.00pcm (8hrs split across as many sessions or individuals in that month) Mileage £0.45/ml As a guide, normally sessions are held fortnightly

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Let’s start to build …

Whether the economic climate is on the turn upwards or downwards, remember to instil that positive feeling into your team to increase morale and bring the change about even quicker. Here are some areas to consider…

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Bust out of the OLD habits… Break into creating new ‘POSITIVE’ ones

Here’s a tool to help you focus on areas to create those positive habits to help you move forward in work or your personal life with a sense of accomplishment.

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Is your business ‘mentality’ much like the 2006 figures stating 43% of UK homes that DIDN’T use the internet?

Can you believe it, in 2006, 43% of UK homes didn’t have internet access! But are there still outdated methodologies current in your workplace. Is your business still looking to come out of the dark ages? Here’s just 4 ideas to have a different look on how you may be doing things differently…

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